great comparison !! We as devs have a lot of options and these can really mess w your head, but having your thoughts laid out visually puts things into perspective and less overwhelming. You're probably headed toward a good direction. FAANG companies love to hire builders, so this SaaS will also help you get a job at FAANG, or when your SaaS becomes successful, startup founders might reach out, help to build them a similar product (your web agency / tech lead @startup) or you can launch a course on how to build a killer production SaaS (easy to market to existing social media followers thanks to building in public). All road leads to Rome and for us devs, it seems building a product you love. Looking forward to the next article, keep knocking 'em out of the park.

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Jawad, thank you so much for your kind words!

I haven't thought about it this way, but you're right, all roads to lead to Rome. There're many paths you can take that will lead you to the same result.

I'm grateful to be able to share my journey with you, and I'm excited to see how this SaaS will turn out.

Will be looking out for your suggestions and feedback.

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